
Globalization refers to the process of economical, political and cultural integration among different nations.

Arguments in favor of Arguments opposing
It is a process toward international integration.
Globalization can help to expose the favourable characteristics of every nation to the rest of the world.  Globalizaton can help to expose the unfavourable characteristics of every nation to the rest of the world. 
It results in a larger economic and political playing field.
Globalization can help to spread the potential benefits of a positive development within a nation among a larger number of benefactor nations. Globalization can help to spread the domain of influence of power and potentially increase the global concentration of power.

Competing Views...

Kofi Annan: "It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the law of gravity.", Opening address to the fifty-third annual DPI/NGO Conference, [URL]
Xi Jinping: "We should recede from our respective national positions and embark on the right pathway towards economic globalization at the right pace.", World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2017, [URL]

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